Is anyone here…?

The answer is yes. We are still here. And we have been working hard hardish diligently, we have been working…

Firstly apologies for the lack of posts. It really should have been updated several times by now but its just getting that spare minute in the day to get it done, and if I have a spare minute I tend to lean towards progressing with the editing and colouring side of things. However, that is a poor excuse, and I shall attempt to keep this updated more often.

Secondly, for those of you who haven’t checked the site in a while, Issue 3 is now online in its entirety.

Thirdly, the first part of Issue 4 is now online. We are going to try and attempt to release 4 pages every fortnight, and although it doesnt seem like a lot to be done over 2 weeks, it is! The reason that we want to do this is as follows. It gives us a reason to push ourselves a little harder. It gives our fine readership a reason to regularly return to the site (with the knowledge that if they do so every two weeks, then the new material will be up) rather than either not returning at all, or returning to find that we have sporadically released/not released whatever we have/haven’t done.

Fourthly, the website has seen its second major overhaul. (Geek talk now so you may skip to the next section if desired) Its now much less image intensive and a lot more clean cut. We hope that the minimal approach works better for people who load our pages and also allows the comic to be the main focus. Now when you click on a comic issue, you are taken to a single page with a pane containing the entire comic. You simply use the ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ buttons, which then loads there respective pages into the pane. You can skip through to any page, just give it a couple of seconds to load (if it does take a while, blame it on our hosting package. I coded it all and a good workman never blames his tools).

Fifthly, along with the new website comes the Exisles forum, where you can chat, ask us questions, or talk about the comic, or other random stuff (just make sure its in its proper place on the boards). We will be checking it from time to time, but if there’s anything urgent you should be able to either p.m myself (admin), or one of the moderators and we can help you out.

Well, I think that about covers it, a long post to compensate for a long silence. But for those of you that follow our comic book, I’m sure you know that it is a labour of love and as such shall never cease, but may merely take the occassional chance to pause.


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